Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Writing as a medium to think

"Writing is, after all, a medium for learning to think." - Donald Graves

Through the writing of this blog, I am making connections to our class readings and my own life experiences as a student. My writing will serve as a repository of information that I can refer to in my future endeavors (when teaching students about the journal genre for example), and my writing has allowed me to think critically about our class readings.

This week, we were asked to read Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing by the Council of Writing Program Administrators, and Counterpart strategies: Fine tuning language with language by Stephen B. Kucer and Lynn K. Rhodes. Both emphasized that students need to learn how to write well for success in college and beyond, and that reading and writing are interconnected processes. 

In the first article, the authors emphasize that teachers need to develop rhetorical knowledge in their students, "the ability to analyze and act on understandings of audiences, purposes, and contexts in creating and comprehending texts" (p. 6). I feel that my teachers often taught context (for example, understanding the time and place for a historical fiction work), and also taught purpose, but we did not focus on audience. The books we read in school were part of the curriculum, so beyond thinking they were geared towards our reading level, I didn't take much consideration for the audience of the works. 

Today, I understand the importance of knowing your audience. For example, when I write marketing copy for my job in the Nazareth College Arts Center, I know my audience is likely to be college-educated, arts-minded, and local. It's crucial that I tailor my copy to my intended audience for success. If my audience doesn't enjoy/relate/understand my copy, then they won't be motivated to act and buy tickets to see a show. I completely agree that students need to understand the important of audience when reading/writing, and this is something I would emphasize when discussing books in my future library or when working with students on developing their own compositions.

Since understanding audience, purpose, and context is key to my professional writing, I believe that I do allow myself the time and rhetorical space to think when I write. I believe that I am an exception when it comes to approaching writing, but it's how I make my living and is necessary for success. Most professions require daily writing, even if it's just through the practice of frequent emails. While these individuals are aware of their audience, they may not consider the purpose for their writing, and seldom use writing to re-consider or clarify because we are in a fast-paced world. I think it's important to teach young people the value of taking time with their writing, even if it's just an email, so that they are effectively using the medium to question, clarify, or synthesize thoughts and ideas.

Through the writing of this blog, I am approaching learning with an active stance. In the Framework for Success article, the authors say that active learning occurs when the writer employs "habits of mind," which are ways of approaching learning that are both intellectual and practical (p.4). In order to fully engage with this assignment throughout the semester, I need to continually engage certain habits of mind.

Unlike my classmates, I am taking this course independent of a graduate program. Content can be challenging when I don't have current classroom experience that I can draw from and make connections to and from. I need to rely on the role of metacognition in my writing, which the authors of the Framework article describe as "the ability to reflect on one's own thinking as well as on the individual and cultural processes and systems used to structure knowledge" (p.5). I need to work harder to make connections to the weekly readings and class discussions, drawing on information from my own life experiences. I also need to remain persistent (another habit of mind) in my goal to succeed in this assignment. Luckily, my natural curiosity and interest in creative projects (two more habits of mind!) will help guide me along my path.

Council of Writing Program Administrators, National Council of Teachers of English, & National Writing Project. (2011). Framework for success in postsecondary writing. Retrieved from

Kucer, S. B. & Rhodes, L. K. (1986). Counterpart strategies: Fine tuning language with language. The Reading Teacher, 40(2), 186-193.

1 comment:

  1. This entry was certainly a thorough summary of the readings for the week. I appreciate that you don't have a classroom -- nor do all the students in the class. I do wonder if a way for your to do more "imagining" as you try to make connections between what you are reading and your future career, in addition to thinking about your classroom teachers, I wonder what do you remember of the school librarians you knew when you were in K-12? What do you think they would have said if they read the Framework for Success? Would they have seen that they have a role in fostering students' abilities in these ways?
